Town Centre Projects

Hawera Town Centre projects

Town Centre Projects


The South Taranaki District Council and Bizlink Hawera are working together on a plan for a new town centre which is more welcoming, attractive and vibrant. The town centre was originally developed over 100 years ago, however since then, our community’s social and retail needs have changed considerably. The Hawera Town Centre Strategy will provide real potential to build a vibrant and economically sustainable town centre that will attract new residents, business and visitors.

Project Vision

‘To make Hawera Town Centre a distinctive, welcoming, attractive and vibrant place to live, work and visit’

Project Objective

To develop a strategic and spatial action plan to sustain and encourage the growth of services and amenities in Hawera Town Centre, through the partnership of the local authority and various organisations’ and people’

Taking into consideration the Principles of:

Consolidation, Connection, Culture + Community, and Co-ordination

Some of the key proposals include:

  • Development of a new Library/cultural/civic centre and greenspace in the central business district (CBD)
  • Improved pedestrian and car park connections with the CBD
  • Lighting improvements to highlight heritage buildings
  • Redevelopment of the existing town square for retail and office development
  • Actions to encourage traffic into the town centre
  • Guidance for heritage preservation.
  • Improved District Plan provisions to guide new development.
  • Facilitation opportunities for events and activities in the CBD.

Campbell Lane walkway will be the first initiative completed, its opening scheduled for 29th April 2017. Butcher’s Lane walkway starting soon thereafter.

Campbell Lane Design

Check out the South Taranaki District Council website link below for more information STDC website

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