Bizlink Hawera Support

Bizlink Support

Bizlink Hāwera provides free, confidential advice and support for new or established businesses. Let us help you access the information you need to succeed!

We work in partnership with other organisation’s such as; The South Taranaki District Council, Venture Taranaki, and The Taranaki Chamber of commerce to support businesses with the tools, information and resources they might need to start or grow.

Our Business Improvement strategies include:

  • Business mentors
  • Training seminars (customised)
  • Motivational Guest Speakers
  • Image incentives
  • Painting Incentives
  • Information packs for new and established businesses
  • Access to our database

If you’re thinking of starting your own business or, if you want to engage with a business mentor, access part-funding and development growth through research and development, we can put you in contact with the right people.

STDC Economic Development Team

Council work to inspire a vibrant and caring spirit of community, while remaining an efficient and sensitive provider of services and facilities.

Venture Taranaki

Venture Taranaki is Taranaki’s Regional Development Agency and works with individuals, businesses, clusters and industries to help grow Taranaki.

Jane Moffit - Venture Taranaki

Jane Moffit – Venture Taranaki

phone (06) 759 5150
Fax: (06) 759 5154

0800 4 VENTURE

Taranaki Chamber of Commerce

Taranaki Chamber of Commerce is the voice of Taranaki business championing the local economy as a force for economic growth, job creation and prosperity.
Phone: (06) 759 9080
Fax: (06) 759 9145


Council Support

The Council offers a Business Incentive Package to provide support for new enterprises in the district. Standard incentives include discounted planning and consent fees and assistance with staff relocation costs. Larger businesses may receive assistance with the funding of environmental impact reports and Image Improvement incentives for smaller businesses aim to assist with the improvement of the exterior appearance of properties whose appearance detracts from the district’s commercial business districts.

In July 2004 South Taranaki District Council (STDC) entered into a partnership with the New Plymouth District Council and Stratford District Council to contract its regional tourism service to Venture Taranaki. Venture Taranaki has since developed and implemented a five-year Regional Tourism Strategy to 2010 which is supported by STDC.

Council works to inspire a vibrant and caring spirit of community, while remaining an efficient and sensitive provider of services and facilities.

Support Available via the STDC:

  • Rates/Rent Relief – up to 50% per year (based on market value assessment)
  • Discounted Planning/Consent Fees;
    Market and Site Analysis – funding towards market analysis, site analysis and feasibility studies are available for eligible businesses.
  • Infrastructural Assistance – includes funding for roads, water and other costs.
  • Discounted Planning/Consent Fees:
  • Infrastructural Assistance – includes funding for roads, water and other costs.
  • Image Improvement Incentives:
    Painting Incentive – funding available for buildings within recognised commercial areas
  • Rate Subsidy Image Improvement – funding for painting preparation work


Contact the STDC Economic Development Team
Phone: (06) 278 0555
Fax: (06) 278 8757
Toll free: 0800 111 323