16 Aug August Newsletter
Hawera businesses vying for honours in this year’s Bizlink Business Awards
Hawera businesses vying for honours in this year’s Bizlink Business Awards have been announced. Ninety-six Hawera businesses were nominated for the awards and after the first round of judging the list has been whittled down to 74. “These 74 include a broad mix of Hawera businesses covering the retail, trade, professional, hospitality and tourism sectors, these 74 have now been passed on to Mystery Shop Network NZ for the final judging.
Three lucky winners who took the time to enter a business were drawn by South Taranaki Mayor Ross Dunlop, were: June Davis – $100 Paper Plus voucher, Fiona Hicks – $100 Peta M voucher, Vanessa Fischer – $100 Maple and Wild voucher.
The Bizlink Hawera Business Award winners will be announced at a gala event (themed the 1920’s Speakeasy Soiree) on Saturday 22 September at the TSB Hub. Tickets will be on sale soon at the South Taranaki I-SITE, Hawera.
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