23 Feb Bizlink Newsletter
FebruaryClick on the link to view:https://www.smore.com/ac95hb ...
FebruaryClick on the link to view:https://www.smore.com/ac95hb ...
Find on the elf on the shelf in these business windows and win prizes!Find 15 of the elves, one of which is in the Taranaki Star to find.Hand your clearly named form into the Bizlink Hāwera office at 9 Union Street or Caffeinate by...
November 2021Click on the link: https://www.smore.com/ptq2y ...
If you are passionate about our vibrant business community and could spare time to join the executive team we would love to hear from you. The Bizlink executive play a crucial part in the direction of Bizlink Hāwera and have a lot to do with our...
Bizlink Hawera has made the very difficult decision to cancel the Hawera Christmas Parade and Street Festival 2021.We know this will be extremely disappointing news for some but our first responsibility is the safety of our community.It's more important than ever to shop locally, think...
Forms are also available from each participating business.View the form here: Scavenger Hunt final...
To view our latest newsletter click here https://www.smore.com/5qdbp...
Click on the link: smore_newsletter (3)...