14 May Business After 5pm Networking Event May 2021
Enjoy a little business networking on May 20that Mountainview Medical centre. 5.15pmPlease RSVP to theteam@bizlinkhawera.co.nzby 12pm Wednesday 19th May...
Enjoy a little business networking on May 20that Mountainview Medical centre. 5.15pmPlease RSVP to theteam@bizlinkhawera.co.nzby 12pm Wednesday 19th May...
Bizlink Hāwera is looking for your feedback via our annual Member Survey. Please take a couple of minutes to answer a few questions and help impact our direction.Link to survey: https://forms.gle/2eEWgiYZdRs4kogQ8We appreciate your feedback on or before Friday 14 May 2021....
Please click on the link to view the April newsletterhttps://www.smore.com/0g4u9...
Forms available from South Taranaki Isite, South Taranaki Libraryplus, Paper Plus, Bizlink Office, Caffeinate and SubwayIt’s easy to enter, they don't have to spot every bunny to be in the draw but must locate at least 7. When a bunny is spotted, write the shop...
please click on the below link to view our new look newsletterBizlink Hawera Newsletter _ Smore NewslettersView the details of the upcoming Social Media Workshop (link below)Social Media Workshop Info- UPDATED...
Please click on the link below to discover more of our newsletter...
To view this newsletter - click the link belowNovember Newsletter 2020...
Please click on the link below to view this report.Bizlink Chairman Report 2020-10-20...