16 May Hāwera Winter Festival – 2023
Thursday July 13
Bizlink Hāwera is getting prepared for our Annual Winter Fest, which will be held on Thursday, July 13 from 5pm – 8pm.
This is the night prior to the Matariki Public Holiday. The braziers will be lit and placed throughout the High Street encouraging children to roast marshmallows under the watchful eyes of the Lions. We have a fantastic band booked called ‘Roots Division’ who will play in the town square along with other musicians placed along the street. While the band has a short break Matua Lewis Domb is organising Kapa Haka and Mau Rākau performances.
Shops will be open late so it would be a fun idea to plan a night out with your friends or family. The AOG Church is opening up their cinema, playing short black and movies for anyone interested in getting out of the cold and they will have free hot drinks on the night.
If you are interested in taking part in some way or you are wanting to have a stall, there are spots available under the eaves of closed businesses. Please email theteam@bizlinkhawera.co.nz
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