08 Mar March 2018 Newsletter
AmeriCARna was a highlight this month with an amazing array of vibrant and exciting window displays and dress ups! Bizlink gave
out bunting flags to those wishing to participate – thank you all for doing your part to make Hawera come alive! Bizlink also provided smaller prizes on the day for the “Best Dressed” competitions. Thanks to Bryan Vickery for his voluntary time being our MC once again! Easter is not far away, providing promotional opportunities within most business. Don’t miss the Future Crunch Business Lunch, a chance to see guest speaker Tane Hunter (who has been described as one of the four forward thinkers of our time). Finally Bizlink is about to advertise for another part time co-ordinator to join our team to replace Margie Jones who left back in October. Keep an eye out if you think this sounds like you!
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